Probabilistic Attribution (Receiving Postbacks Without Click ID)

The new privacy policy launched by Apple Inc. 2021, requires all apps to use the ATT framework and developers must first seek user consent before they could store user’s  information. Since the vast majority of users would refuse the ad tracking, resulting in companies that rely on data for marketing not having access to user-level information (especially click id, IP, device id) for accurate conversion attribution. To solve this problem, Offerslook has introduced the Probabilistic Attribution solution with no click id in Advanced Privacy mode.


What has changed?

We created new parameters {sub_source} and {adv_source} to get the affiliate end’s offer id and affiliate id for the Probabilistic Attribution.

In different platforms, the parameters are as follows.

Platform Corresponding parameters Remarks
AppsFlyer af_sub_siteid It can be any parameter of Appsflyer's Postback Management callback template
Offerslook sub_source, adv_source Only for iOS to receive conversions without click id
Affise sub8
Trackier p8


Why this is required?

Because advertisers will not send click id so we need offer id and affiliate id to track conversion on Offerslook’s panel.

And we need affiliate end’s offer id and affiliate id as well so as to pass the ids to affiliate for affiliate end’s attribution.



What is the process of Probabilistic Attribution?

  • Add {sub_source} to the tracking link to capture the affiliate end’s offer id and affiliate id.
  • After adding {sub_source} to the destination URL, when system sends clicks to advertisers, by identifying the iOS traffic with macro {sub_source}, the system will automatically adds Offerslook end’s offer id and affiliate id and encrypt them with affiliate end’s offer id and affiliate id to advertisers.
  • Add {adv_source} to the postback to receive the value of {sub_source} passed by advertiser and send it to affiliate after decryption.


Case 1: When your advertiser is integrated with AppsFlyer

How it works on Click Level

Step 1 Add &af_sub_siteid={sub_source} to the destination URL of the offer where

  • af_sub_siteid = The parameter to capture offerid and affiliate id for Appsflyer
  • sub_source = Offerslook parameter to capturethe offer id and affiliate id from The system will automatically adds Offerslook end’s offer id and affiliate id behind. The ids will be encrypted and sent to the advertiser.{aff_id}&af_ua={agent}&af_lang={accept_lan}&af_ip={ip}&amp ;af_c_id={offer_id}&af_ad_id={adv_id}&af_sub_siteid={sub_source}&af_click_lookback=7d&clickid={click_id}&idfa= {ios_idfa}&advertising_id={google_aid}

**IMPORTANT** Destination URL provided by Appsflyer must contain these 6 parameters: {offer_id}, {aff_id}, {click_id}, {agent}, {ip}, {accept_lan}.


Step 2   If affiliate’s platform is Offerslook, then add &sub_source={sub_source} in their tracking link.{sub_source}


If the affiliate is using other platform, you need to add &sub_source={sub_source}|{offer_id}_{aff_id} to the affiliate’s tracking link.{sub_source}|{offer_id }_{aff_id}

**IMPORTANT**  Because Offerslook system will identify the {sub_source} parameter and automatically adds Offerslook end’s offer id and affiliate id behind. So if affiliate is also using Offerslook platform, it’s unnecessary to add {offer_id}_{aff_id} behind {sub_source}.


How it works on Conversion Level

Add &adv_source={Sub site ID} to the postback url of your advertiser, where

  • adv_source = The parameter to receive the value of {sub_source}. Our system will decrypt adv_source to get Offerslook end’s and affiliate end’s offer id and affiliate id.{Sub site ID}




Case 2: When the Advertiser is using a Tracking Software

How it works on Click Level

Step 1 Add &sub_source={sub_source} to the destination URL of the offer{click_id}&offer_id=37818&aff_id=39&sub_source={sub_source}


Step 2 If affiliate’s platform is Offerslook, then add &sub_source={sub_source} in their tracking link.{sub_source}


If the affiliate is using other platform, you need to add &sub_source={sub_source}|{offer_id}_{aff_id} to the affiliate’s tracking link.{sub_source} |{offer_id }_{aff_id}


How it works on Conversion Level

Postback to advertiser needs to add &adv_source={sub_source}{sub_source}


We have added Privacy Postback in Affiliate Postback, if affiliate’s postback is a Probabilistic Attribution postback, you can choose to configure it as privacy postback in our system.{sub_source}

**IMPORTANT** Affiliate Postback selects the Postback URL and can also send conversions as long as it has {sub_source} added. However, in order to differentiate from the original global postback, we recommend that you use privacy postback for offers that use probabilistic attribution.




Click Flow

Client Tracking link Example
Client 4{sub_source}|{offer_id}_{aff_id}
Client 3{sub_source}|{offer_id}_{aff_id}|3_3
Client 2{sub_source}|{offer_id}_{aff_id}|3_3|2_2
Client 1{offer_id}&af_siteid={aff_id}&af_sub_siteid={sub_source}|3_3|2_2|1_1


Conversion Flow

Client Offerslook postback Example
Appsflyer sends http:/{sub_site_id} http:/|3_3|2_2|1_1
Client 1 http:/{sub_source} http:/|3_3|2_2|1_1
Client 2 http:/{sub_source} http:/|3_3|2_2
Client 3 http:/{sub_source} http:/|3_3
Client 4 http:/{sub_source} http:/



For data security and to avoid fraudulent traffic, we will encrypt the {sub_source} value and send it to advertiser, then get the encrypted {sub_source} value sent from advertiser through {adv_source}, decrypt it and send it to affiliate.

Probabilistic attribution does not support callback, smartlink, group link and hybrix; does not check for duplicate conversions; does not support testing with advertiser and affiliate (privacy postback is not supported for testing).