Parameter Integration Process

In the entire offer promotion process, it includes three parts: advertisers, affiliate network(you) and affiliates. When the you integrate with advertisers and affiliates, the advertisers should provide the tracking link of the offer to you, and you need to add the parameters of the Offerslook system in the tracking link and save it in the destination URL. For this offer, the Offerslook system will generate a postback and you should give it to the advertiser.

After successfully creating an offer, Offerslook system will generate a tracking link and you should give it to the affiliate for promotion. At the same time, the affiliate will also give a postback to you. And you need to save it in the Affiliate Postback after adding the Offerlook parameter in the postback.

The following will show how to correctly add Offerslook parameters in the tracking links and postbacks.

1. The tracking link of the offer provided by the advertiser is{adv_clickid}&adv_idfa={adv_idfa} , you need to first replace the parameters with the parameters of the Offerslook system, and then save the link in the Destination URL in the offer detail. 

The tracking link you saved is{click_id}&adv_idfa={ios_idfa}


2. To receive conversions from the advertiser, you need to provide the advertiser with a postback link. Generally, there are two types of postback, which are global postback and offer postback. Global postback can send conversions to all offers, and offer postback can only send conversions to the specificoffer. When creating an advertiser, the system has generated a global postback belonging to the advertiser, and offer postback is generated when creating an offer.

Whether is global postback or offer postback, the advertiser should replace Offerslook parameters with their own parameters and save them in their system.

The global postback link provided to the advertiser is{adv_clickid}


3. After the offer is created successfully, give the tracking link to the affiliate, and the affiliate should add their parameters in the link and save it in their system.

The tracking link given to the affiliate is{aff_clickid}&ios_idfa={aff_idfa}


4. There are generally two types of postbacks given by the affiliate, which are global postback and offer postback. Global postback can send conversions to all offers, and offer postback can only send conversions to the specificoffer.

For example, the affiliate has given you the postaback URL{aff_clickid}, you need to replace the parameters with Offerslook parameters, and then save it in Affiliate Postback.

The saved postback URL is{aff_sub1}


5. Tips

(1) To save the tracking link (Destination URL)  provided by the advertiser, advertiser parameters should on the left side of the "=" , and Offerslook parameters should on the right of the "=".

(2) To give the postback to the advertiser, Offerslook parameters should on the left side of the "=" , and advertiser parameters should on the right of the "=".

(3)To give the tracking link to the affiliate, Offerslook parameters should on the left side of the "=" , and affiliate parameters should on the right of the "=".

(4) To save the postback provided by the affiliate, affiliate parameters should on the left side of the "=" , and Offerslook parameters should on the right of the "=". 

(5) Click id is a required parameter and is indispensable.

(6) If the advertiser requires the transmission of certain parameters in the tracking link,  you should also require the affiliate to transmit these parameters. Therefore, the parameters required by the advertiser should be added to the tracking link you send to the affiliate. For example, if the tracking link given by the advertiser requires the transmission of idfa and source id, then the tracking link you give to the affiliate also needs to include these two parameters.


Click to view  List of Offerslook parameters for integration